WG1: Precise Determination of Vud and Vus
Conveners: |
Exp.: |
E. Lucia (Frascati), |
M. Artuso (Syracuse) |
Theory: |
V. Cirigliano (CalTech), |
T. Kaneko (KEK)
The main topic is the precise
determination of the Cabibbo angle through the determination
of the CKM elements Vud and Vus.
- Determination of Vus .
- from Kl3 decays: new Kl3 results, measurement
and analysis of Kl3 Dalitz plot to constrain CHPT parameters,
new lattice results and their errors
- from τ and hyperon decays:
estimate of theoretical errors, prospects
- from fK / fπ :
new lattice results, exhaustive estimate of unquenched
lattice uncertainty
- Determination of Vud from super-allowed Fermi transitions,
neutron and pion decays: theoretical and experimental updates,
also new idea.
- Determination of Vcs, Vcd .
Determination of Vub and Vcb through Inclusive / Exclusive Semileptonic
B decays
Conveners: |
Exp.: |
A. Limosani (KEK), |
J. Dingfelder (SLAC) |
Theory: |
B. Lange (MIT), |
T. Onogi (Kyoto)
The main goal of this group is
the determination of Vub and Vcb through the inclusive
and exclusive semileptonic B decays.
- Determination of Vcb and HQE parameters from inclusive B ->Xlν
decay .
- Theoretical uncertainties: prospects .
- Special moments: new results, averages, global fits,
scheme differences, determination of quark masses
and hadronic parameters and their combination.
- Determination of Vub inclusive.
- New measurements of Elepton ,
MX ,
q2 spectrum.
- Methods to determine |Vub| from the measured rate,
based on shape function scheme, weighting functions
and DGE(Dressed Gluon Exponentiation) etc.
- Associated theoretica;l errors. Weak annhilation effect.
- How to make the average etc.
- Determination of Vcb exclusive: theoretical and experimental update.
- New measurements for the form factors.
- F(1) lattice unquenched calculation, LCSR.
- Determination of Vub exclusive: theoretical and experimental update.
- New measurements of the q2 distribution with differenct
tagging methods.
- Experimental determination of the form factor shape.
- Form factor normalization from unquenched lattice,
LCSR and others.
- Exclusive D semileptonic decays and form factors.
- D -->πlν ,
extrapolation from D to B and possible determination of Vub.
WG3: Vtd / Vts through Mixings and Rare B and K Decays
Conveners: |
Exp.: |
P. Chang (NTU), |
J. Kroll (Penn) |
Theory: |
U. Haisch (Zurich/FNAL), |
V. Lubicz (Roma)
The main goal of this group is
the determination of Vtd/Vts through meson mixing and rare B and K
- εK, ΔMd, ΔMs .
- Lattice determination and experimental constraints on
fBd , fBs and
- Critical review on quenching and chiral logs associated errors.
- B hadron widths and differences: theoretical and experimental update.
- Measurement of Ds/D+ --> τ(μ)ν.
- Determination of fDs,
fD+ and their ratio.
- Possible extrapolation to fB
and ξ .
- Vtd/Vts from B --> ργ
and B--> K*γ .
- New results from experiments.
- Results from lattice, LCSR, prospects, long distance contributions.
- Radiative decays as probe of CKM.
- Theoretical and experimental updates of
B--> Xs γ .
- Use of b-->sγ for moments and for Vub
( discussion in conjunction with WG2).
- Role of the radiative charm decays.
- Rare K decays of relevance to CKM studies.
WG4: Angles from charmless B decays
Conveners: |
Exp.: |
T. Gershon (Warwick), |
H. Ishino (TIT) |
Theory: |
E. Kou (LPT, Orsay), |
M. Ciuchini (INFN)
The main goal is to study the measurements
of the angles φ1,
(or β, α, γ ) in charmless B decays.
The limitations and ways to overcome them will be discussed,
as well as new approaches and high statistics projections.
We will concentrate on ways to estimate the SM uncertainties
in all these modes and theoretical and experimental ways to reduce
- φ2
(α) modes: two body decays
(ππ), quasi-two-body (Q2B) Bdecays
(ρρ, ρπ) and Dalitz analysis
- New results ? New modes ?
- How can we get to φ2
(α) from the different measurements?
How good is the Q2B approximation ? How important are
S-wave contribution ( and other interference) in modes involving
ρ ?
- How trustable are theoretical calculations of the penguin pollution?
- φ1
(β) modes:
K+K-Ks, KsKsK0 and more.
- New results ? New modes ?
- Possible deviation from
(sin2β) within the SM ?
What are the methods one can use to calculate them and how these
methods can be checked?
- Can the sign of the deviation be obtained ?
- Are there correlations between the deviation in these modes ?
Are there observables or combinations of observables that
have smaller SM uncertainties (sums, ratios etc. ) ?
- φ3 from charmless decays.
Interpretation of other charmless decays.
- Understanding of the πK modes
(γ, electroweak penguins).
- What can be learnt in addition from
πK* and
ρK* modes ?
- Comparison and assessment of theoretical approaches based on
factorization and/or flavor symmetries.
- What are the theoretical assumptions?
- Which amplitudes are included in the calculations, and what
is the estimated theoretical error ?
- Perform comparative studies for "benchmark" modes.
- How predictive are data-driven fits ?
WG5: Angles from B decays with charm
Conveners: |
Exp.: |
G. Cavoto (Rome), |
K. Trabelsi (KEK) |
Theory: |
J. Zupan (CMU), |
R. Fleischer (CERN)
The main goal is the measurements
of the angles φ3
(γ) and
from B decays involving D or Charmonium mesons.
The limitations and ways to overcome them will be discussed,
as well as new approaches and high statics projections.
- Measurement of φ1
(β) in B decays to Charmonium.
- Measurements of
and cos2φ1
(cos2β) .
- CPT/T parameters.
- Measurements of φ3
(γ) in B--> D(*)K(*)
- GLW and ADS methods.
- Dalitz methods (model dependent/independent).
- Measurements of 2φ1
+ φ3
(2β + γ) in
B--> D(*)π,ρ decays and
related BF measurements (Dsπ,
and D(*)K(*)).
WG6: CKM Fits and New Physics
Conveners: |
Exp.: |
P. Koppenburg (London), |
R. Itoh (KEK) |
Theory: |
G. Isidori (Frascati), |
Y. Grossman (Technion)
The main goals are global fits to the CKM parameters
using different statistical methods., and search for, or constrain,
the new physics contribution, using data from the B factories,
Trvatron, and the future B facilities.
- Global fit to Unitarity Triangle parameters using all
the experimental and theoretical inputs from all the other WGs.
- Comparison between direct and indirect determinations
of different quantities, for instance, UT angles,
hadronic parameters.
- fB*|Vub| from
B-->τν , |Vub/Vtd|
from B--> τν and
Δm .
- Constraints to New Physics from
- FCNC processes such as B--> Xs γ,
Xs ll , Xs νν ,
K--> πνν etc.
- B decays to final state with τ,
such as B--> Dτν,
τν .
- Decays via Higgs mediation, such as Bs-->
μ- .
- Others.